
Aisha Walker

Thinking onscreen

16 July 2015
by Aisha

The Ecology of Digital Childhood: the ‘digisystem’

In this post I argue for the Ecology of Childhood model proposed by Bronfenbrenner (1979) to be adapted in order to accommodate the roles that digital technologies and media might play in the life of the developing child. Bronfenbrenner’s model* … Continue reading

7 July 2015
by Aisha

Diet pills and digital learning

Many claims are made for the benefits of using digital technologies in education. For example, a recent post on the JISC blog (Crawford-Thomas and Bloxham 2015) argues that “The learning experience needs to be compelling and engaging to capture and … Continue reading

1 April 2015
by Aisha

Digital literacy or competence: why does it matter?

I imagine that people reading or hearing my argument for ‘digital competence’ rather than ‘digital literacy’, ask why the terms matter. Surely, they say, what is important is that people have the necessary skills to use digital tools regardless of … Continue reading

12 March 2015
by Aisha
1 Comment

Digital literacy or digital competence?

The terms ‘digital literacy’ or ‘digital literacies’ have been in use for some time now to refer to the skills required for using digital tools. Although in common parlance people often say “I’m not computer-literate” to claim that they don’t … Continue reading

5 March 2015
by Aisha
1 Comment

The authority of writing

I stumbled across a supermarket leaflet on its way to the recycling bin.   The leaflet was promoting post-new year ‘healthy’ special offers such as fruit chunks and yogurt-coated flakes. Leaving aside the question of why a leaflet dated early January … Continue reading

25 February 2015
by Aisha

Resources for language teachers

This week I presented two professional development webinars for Oxford University Press.  During the sessions I asked participants to suggest resources that they would recommend and the response was fantastic!  Here are all the links from the webinars.  Oxford University … Continue reading

24 July 2014
by Aisha
1 Comment

Threlfall, J., Nelson, N. & Walker, A. (2007). Report to QCA on an investigation of the construct relevance of sources of difficulty in the Key Stage 3 ICT tests

This report, Threlfall,J., Nelson,N. and Walker,A. (2007). Report to QCA on an investigation of the construct relevance of sources of difficulty in the Key Stage 3 ICT tests, was published in 2007 and used to be available from Unfortunately, this … Continue reading

4 July 2014
by Aisha

Interviewing the literature: a tip for students

All academic research starts with a literature review and this is one of the big headaches for students writing theses or dissertations. Tutors tell students to ‘read critically’ and sometimes talk about “interrogating the literature” which sounds terrifying (perhaps you … Continue reading